Monday, November 3, 2008

A day without crutches

So far I have spent most of the day cuddling with my roommates dog. Isn't she adorable???? She likes to burrow under the covers and nap with just her head sticking out. She is getting used to me being home all day, and is quite snuggly. It is funny to watch her interact with my cats. When no one is watching they get along and all sleep near each other.

Since my lovely knee surgery last week, I have been stuck in the house with nothing to do. Today I get to try out my new "partial knee" and walk around without crutches. Yes, life is officially on the verge of becoming exciting again.

If I am lucky -- I will be able to hobble to the next block and vote tomorrow. My ex-husband called me this morning to tell me how to vote (jokingly -- we are polar opposites politically). I honestly think he called to remind me of his birthday tomorrow. I told him I would get him a new President for his birthday -- yes, I AM that funny!

Relationship wise -- I am again in a stupid position. Someone I had feelings for last summer (and am "over") has called and wants a "friends with benefits" relationship. Someone that I used to work with has also made this generous offer. I do not know if I should be flattered or disgusted. Kind of a "you are good enough to f@ck, but not good enough to have a relationship with" kind of thing.

J, my former crush, is confusing me more by texting a lot and acting like a "suiter" and then reminding me that he does not want a "relationship." Which is fine, just confusing. I have not met up with him, and can stall for a while due to my knee.

I thought life was supposed to get easier :-)


Cloudy said...

Hi from coldandgray!

Minnie Madkins said...

Hi lovely! I made it over! ;-) Will reply to your email as soon as I get a mo! Huggles. xx