I have been addicted to facebook lately. (Let me know if you want to know who I am there). In part because I have a reunion coming up this year, and it makes me think about all of the people I did not give the possibility (of anything romantic) because I was dating "the loser" for so many of my prime years. It made me think about all of the men I should have married (not counting the one I divorced of course!)
Scott: Polite and well mannered. Spoke three languages fluently. He lived around the corner from me, and we went to school together. When I was 20 or so, I ran into him while walking to the end of a very long line to get Paul McCartney tickets. He was very close to the front of the line and he shouted to me (as I was walking by) and said "It is about time you got off of work and hugged me." (I had not seen him in two years or so). He turned to the guy behind him and said "Sorry, my wife just got off work." So yes, I cut in line and spent the long wait with him. He was leaving out of state the next day, and since it was YEARS before cell phones, we said good-bye and that was it. I looked for him at the concert, but did not see him. I should have married him.
Jeff: We were good friends in the first grade, he moved away, and then moved back in high school. He came back beautiful and shy. He was the "new kid" and I held back on becoming "too close" because I had a "boyfriend." He read books and always held the door open. I should have married him.
Brian: College. Shy frat boy that was in my study group. My friends and I helped him cram for a final, and he bought us all flowers for graduation. He never cussed and was always laughing and just happy in general. I should have married him.
I think I wasted my youth on chasing stupid things. I did not appreciate the small things. The polite shyness of someone who does not want to spend the entire day talking about himself. Boys / men that would walk in front of me to grab the door (car, classroom or whatever). People that had promise and a solid future.
I am really looking forward to my reunion :-)