Yes dear readers, it IS a Pigs in Space lunchbox! My co-workers are going to be pea-green with envy in the new year! AND it has a thermos. Thank God I am working on Saturday to be able to show it off. I mean if I had a "noncorporate job" then I would have four days off, and would have to wait until MONDAY to show it off.
Speaking of work...apparently our "insurance company" decided that my surgeon did not know what he was talking about and that I did not need physical therapy and canceled my last four sessions. So I went "three sessions over" since they did not bother to tell me, or anyone else. I honestly did not know that an out of state insurance company could over-ride a surgeon. my bad. LOL
I am really looking forward to the new year. It is the year of "not giving a damn." Now, that is not as bad as it is really quite positive. (Or in my politically correct work world -- it is the year of "no longer caring." Instead of bottling up everything, when I am bothered by something I will reply "No longer caring" or "Don't give a Damn."
For example:
Big VP Boss Dude "IF you come in an hour early, and stay and hour late AND come in on Sundays (for only an hour) then "the company" could make an extra $17.12. Don't you think that will look good on your review.
Reply: No longer caring. My review is already in the toilet because we did so well the past two years, there was no room for improvement and therefore we all flatlined.
See - perfect. They can't fire me (cough - cloak of disability - cough) and, quite frankly, I really do no longer care.
I like my life away from work. I love my house. I love walking the roommates dog and snuggling with the cats. I love being able to come home and have the energy to do things. Working 12 hour days (plus commuting) is not worth it if the bottom line does not change. No one is impressed by it, and I am no longer trying to impress anyone. I will never be promoted, and all of the ass-kissing and overtime will not change that fact.
I know the economy is bad. I know jobs are scarce. However -- my life is valuable. I do not believe in working 7 days a week. I do not believe in checking work emails on holidays, and I do not believe in expecting those "beneath" me in the organization should either. The willingness to work yourself to death is not a trait that I value.
I am going to enjoy 2009. I am going to take charge again. I seem to have lost myself along the way. I am looking forward to finding out what the hell happened to me :-)
Need I say it again??? PIGS IN SPACE LUNCHBOX!!! I rule!
Speaking of work...apparently our "insurance company" decided that my surgeon did not know what he was talking about and that I did not need physical therapy and canceled my last four sessions. So I went "three sessions over" since they did not bother to tell me, or anyone else. I honestly did not know that an out of state insurance company could over-ride a surgeon. my bad. LOL
I am really looking forward to the new year. It is the year of "not giving a damn." Now, that is not as bad as it is really quite positive. (Or in my politically correct work world -- it is the year of "no longer caring." Instead of bottling up everything, when I am bothered by something I will reply "No longer caring" or "Don't give a Damn."
For example:
Big VP Boss Dude "IF you come in an hour early, and stay and hour late AND come in on Sundays (for only an hour) then "the company" could make an extra $17.12. Don't you think that will look good on your review.
Reply: No longer caring. My review is already in the toilet because we did so well the past two years, there was no room for improvement and therefore we all flatlined.
See - perfect. They can't fire me (cough - cloak of disability - cough) and, quite frankly, I really do no longer care.
I like my life away from work. I love my house. I love walking the roommates dog and snuggling with the cats. I love being able to come home and have the energy to do things. Working 12 hour days (plus commuting) is not worth it if the bottom line does not change. No one is impressed by it, and I am no longer trying to impress anyone. I will never be promoted, and all of the ass-kissing and overtime will not change that fact.
I know the economy is bad. I know jobs are scarce. However -- my life is valuable. I do not believe in working 7 days a week. I do not believe in checking work emails on holidays, and I do not believe in expecting those "beneath" me in the organization should either. The willingness to work yourself to death is not a trait that I value.
I am going to enjoy 2009. I am going to take charge again. I seem to have lost myself along the way. I am looking forward to finding out what the hell happened to me :-)
Need I say it again??? PIGS IN SPACE LUNCHBOX!!! I rule!